Is it possible to inherit/use s parent's column template?

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I'd like to place the elements from the child onto its parent's grid.

One way would be to make the child use all the columns with grid-column: 1/4 and then the same rules as the parents. This will make several rows of grid layouts. So the end result would be poorly aligned.

.parent-wrapper {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;

.child-wrapper {
  /* make it inherit from parent  */
  /* so that it displays as..:    */
  /* Item A ... Item B ... Item C */

.child-wrapper-attempt {
  grid-column: 1/4;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;
<div class="parent-wrapper">
  <div>Header A</div>
  <div>Header B</div>
  <div>Header C</div>
  <div class="child-wrapper">
    <div>Item A</div>
    <div>Item B</div>
    <div>Item C</div>

I'd like to make it display as..
<p>Item A  ... Item B ... Item C</p>
Aligned with the headers..


<div class="parent-wrapper">
  <div>Header A</div>
  <div>Header B</div>
  <div>Header C</div>
  <div class="child-wrapper-attempt">
    <div>Item A</div>
    <div>Item B</div>
    <div>Item C</div>
  <div class="child-wrapper-attempt">
    <div>Different lenghts of</div>
    <div>and see what happens..</div>

Update - response: auto vs fr result auto vs 1fr

Update 2. Subgrid, is what I'm looking for. but unfortunately not usable at the moment.

I'll keep this question open, although for my specific case, I worked around with the <ng-container>, this way it uses the same grid layout. The problem however, is that things like clicking, hovering, becomes slightly more complicated doing this way.

<div class="parent-wrapper">
  <div>Header A</div>
  <div>Header B</div>
  <div>Header C</div>
  <ng-container *ngFor="let item of items | async">

There are 1 answers

Michael Benjamin On

The misalignment is caused by the auto value. Try 1fr instead.

.parent-wrapper {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;

.child-wrapper {
  /* make it inherit from parent  */
  /* so that it displays as..:    */
  /* Item A ... Item B ... Item C */

.child-wrapper-attempt {
  grid-column: 1/4;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr; /* adjustment */

div:not(.parent-wrapper):not(.child-wrapper):not(.child-wrapper-attempt) {
  border: 1px dashed red;
<div class="parent-wrapper">
  <div>Header A</div>
  <div>Header B</div>
  <div>Header C</div>
  <div class="child-wrapper">
    <div>Item A</div>
    <div>Item B</div>
    <div>Item C</div>

I'd like to make it display as..
<p>Item A  ... Item B ... Item C</p>
Aligned with the headers..


<div class="parent-wrapper">
  <div>Header A</div>
  <div>Header B</div>
  <div>Header C</div>
  <div class="child-wrapper-attempt">
    <div>Item A</div>
    <div>Item B</div>
    <div>Item C</div>
  <div class="child-wrapper-attempt">
    <div>Different lenghts of</div>
    <div>and see what happens..</div>