Is it possible to have two possible names for the same message part in a WSDL file?

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Hello dear wsdl users,

I'd like to know if there is a way to have two possible names for the same message part in a wsdl file :

I currently have the following .wsdl file :

<message name="MyMessage">
    <part name="MyPart1" type="MyType1"/>
    <part name="originalExtension" type="Extension"/>
<portType name="MyPort">
    <operation name="MyOperation">
        <input message="XX:MyMessage"/>
<binding name="XX" type="XX">

Clients used to send notifications to this service with a <part> element named "originalExtension" :


But this behavior has since changed and now clients can send new <part> elements named "newExtension" :


The current WSDL file does not handle these new <part> elements and crashes ; is it possible to modify either the WSDL or the parent XSD file, to handle both possible names, such as :

<message name="MyMessage">
    <part name="MyPart1" type="MyType1"/>
    <part name="originalExtension|newExtension" type="Extension"/>

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


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