Is it possible to dynamically create source sets?

2.1k views Asked by At

I am wondering if it is possible to dynamically create a source set with gradle. The directory hierarchy of my current project looks as follows:

  • dbfit-junit
    • module
      • foo
      • bar

Each of this module folders (foo and bar) should have its own source set assigned. The reason is that I want to dynamically create tasks like dbFitTestFoo and dbFitTestBar. My current approach looks like this:

ext.dbFitModulesDir = "dbfit-junit/module"
ext.dbFitTestSpecs = ["java", "groovy", "scala", "resources"]  
ext.dbFitModules = []

file(dbFitModulesDir).eachDir{ module ->
    dbFitModules <<

/** this needs to be done dynamically for each "module" **/
sourceSets {
    integrationTest { sourceSet ->
        dbFitModules.each{ module ->
            dbFitTestSpecs.each { spec ->
                if (!sourceSet.hasProperty(spec)) {
                sourceSet."$spec".srcDir file("$dbFitModulesDir/$module/$spec")

dbFitModules.each{ module ->
    task "dbFitTest${module.capitalize()}"(type: Test) {
        group = "Verification"
        description = "Run dbFit tests for $module"
        doLast {
            testClassesDir = sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDir
            classpath = sourceSets.integrationTest.runtimeClasspath

The creation of the tasks works smoothly, the only thing that is still missing is the dynamic creation and assignment of the sourcesets.

Thanks for any hints!


There are 1 answers

Benjamin Muschko On BEST ANSWER

Yes, you can create source sets dynamically. Here's one example:

dbFitModules.each { module ->
    sourceSets.create("${module}Test") {