We see the benefits of Dependent Types in a paper written by Ana Bove and Peter Dybjer:
Dependent types are types that depend on elements of other types. An example is the type An of vectors of length n with components of type A. Another example is the type Amn of m n-matrices. We say that the type An depends on the number n, or that An is a family of types indexed by the number n.
We also see the benefits on Cedric's blog:
Having a list with one element would be a type error, so the second line in the snippet above should not compile.
The Shen language has an advanced type system.
Here the commentator describes Shen as having a Turing-Complete type system.
Here the commentator writes:
You can however use dependent types in a way in Shen that does not create problems.
My question is: Is it possible to do dependent types in Shen?
Here is an example of Dependent Types in Shen from The Shen OS Kernel Manual