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As the title says, I tried this following example :

struct tparams {
    double y;
    double* dxda;

typedef struct tparams Struct;

Struct cof( ) {
    Struct s;
    double y;
    double* dxda= (double*)malloc(12 * sizeof(*dxda));
    double a = 50;
    double b = 78;

    y= pow((a * b) / 4, 2);
    *dxda = (a / 8) * pow(b, 2);

    s.dxda = dxda;
    s.y = y;
    return s;

void func() {
    Struct result;
    double y;

    result = cof();
    y = result.y;
    printf("result1: %g \n", y);

void deriv() {
    Struct result;
    double* dxda = (double*)malloc(12 * sizeof(*dxda));

    result = cof();
    dxda = result.dxda;
    printf("result2: %g \n", *dxda);        

int main()

I have a more difficult example that I am working on and was trying to make it as close as possible. Can I, in this case use the Struct result only once to divide the function and its Derivative into two functions?

If I call Struct result twice in func() and deriv(), it calculates the function cof() twice which makes it take longer. I would like to avoid that.

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