Is it possible to display the loading indicator until the task node response is completed?

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I'm trying to display image until the task node response is not complete. I'm using below code. But, Still It's showing blank Screen.

m.LoaderScreen ="LoaderScreen") 
m.LoaderScreen.visible = true 
m.APIResponse = CreateObject("roSGNode", "APIResponse") 
m.APIResponse.control = "RUN" 
m.LoaderScreen.visible = false

Anyone suggest any other way to do this?

Edited Post

Task node :

<field id = "response" type = "string" /> = "My Response"

MainScene :

m.APIResponse.observeField("response", "onScreenResponse")

sub onScreenResponse()
m.LoaderScreen.visible = false
end sub

Updated Post

First Way


<Group id="LoaderScreen" visible="false">
    <LayoutGroup translation="[640,360]" horizAlignment="center" vertAlignment="center">
    <BusySpinner id="LoadingIndicator" clockwise="true" spinInterval="2"  uri="pkg:/images/loader.png"/>


sub Show(args as Object)
m.LoaderScreen ="LoaderScreen")
m.LoaderScreen.visible = true
m.LoadingIndicator ="LoadingIndicator")
m.LoadingIndicator.control = "start"

?"m.LoadingIndicator : "m.LoadingIndicator

?"First : m.LoadingIndicator.visible : "m.LoadingIndicator.visible 'true

m.FirstNode= CreateObject("roSGNode", "FirstNode")
m.FirstNode.control = "RUN"

?"Second : m.LoadingIndicator.visible : "m.LoadingIndicator.visible 'true

 m.SecondNode = CreateObject("roSGNode", "SecondNode")
 m.SecondNode.control = "RUN"

?"Third : m.LoadingIndicator.visible : "m.LoadingIndicator.visible 'true

m.ThirdNode = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ThirdNode")
m.ThirdNode.control = "RUN"

?"Fourth : m.LoadingIndicator.visible : "m.LoadingIndicator.visible 'true

m.FourthNode = CreateObject("roSGNode", "FourthNode")
m.FourthNode.control = "RUN"

?"Five : m.LoadingIndicator.visible : "m.LoadingIndicator.visible 'true

m.LoadingIndicator.control = "stop"
m.LoaderScreen.visible = false
end sub
m.LoadingIndicator : <Component: roSGNode:BusySpinner> =
    clockwise: true
    control: invalid
    poster: <Component: roSGNode:Poster>
    spinInterval: 2
    uri: "pkg:/images/loader.png"
    childRenderOrder: "last"
    clippingRect: <Component: roAssociativeArray>
    enableRenderTracking: true
    inheritParentOpacity: true
    inheritParentTransform: true
    muteAudioGuide: false
    opacity: 1
    renderPass: 0
    renderTracking: "none"
    rotation: 0
    scale: <Component: roArray>
    scaleRotateCenter: <Component: roArray>
    translation: <Component: roArray>
    visible: true
    change: <Component: roAssociativeArray>
    focusable: false
    focusedChild: <Component: roInvalid>
    id: "LoadingIndicator"

Currently, I doing like this. Here, I found m.LoadingIndicator.visible value true After, Run a Every Single Task node. But, When I start the Application. It's Automatically blank screen above the m.LoadingIndicator.

Second Way

I'm trying to Display Loading Indicator in-between the splash Screen and landing page. I already tried What you suggested. like below. Does anything change need on this?

Using below way I tried with Task node state. Loading Indicator displays Using both the ways. But, Above the Loading indicator, It displays a one blank screen Automatically When the Task node is running. I also tried creating a new Channel. But, Here also Result is the same.


<Group id="LoaderScreen" visible="false">
<LayoutGroup translation="[640,360]" horizAlignment="center" vertAlignment="center">
<BusySpinner id="LoadingIndicator" clockwise="true" spinInterval="2"  uri="pkg:/images/loader.png"/>


sub Show(args as Object)
m.LoaderScreen ="LoaderScreen")
m.LoadingIndicator ="LoadingIndicator")

m.FirstNode= CreateObject("roSGNode", "FirstNode")
m.FirstNode.observeField("state", "onTaskStateChanged")
m.FirstNode.control = "RUN"

m.SecondNode = CreateObject("roSGNode", "SecondNode")
m.SecondNode.observeField("state", "onTaskStateChanged")
m.SecondNode.control = "RUN"

m.ThirdNode = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ThirdNode")
m.ThirdNode.observeField("state", "onTaskStateChanged")
m.ThirdNode.control = "RUN"

m.FourthNode = CreateObject("roSGNode", "FourthNode")
m.FourthNode.observeField("state", "onTaskStateChanged")
m.FourthNode.control = "RUN"

end sub
sub onTaskStateChanged()
?"MainScene :: onTaskStateChanged()"
    if m.FirstNode <> invalid then
        if m.FirstNode.state = "run"
            m.LoaderScreen.visible = true
            m.LoadingIndicator.control = "start"
        end if
    end if
    if m.SecondNode <> invalid then
        if m.SecondNode.state = "run"
            m.LoaderScreen.visible = true
            m.LoadingIndicator.control = "start"
        end if
    end if
    if m.ThirdNode <> invalid then
        if m.ThirdNode.state = "run"
            m.LoaderScreen.visible = true
            m.LoadingIndicator.control = "start"
        end if
    end if
    if m.FourthNode <> invalid then
        if m.FourthNode.state = "run"
            m.LoaderScreen.visible = true
            m.LoadingIndicator.control = "start"
        else if m.FourthNode.state = "stop"
            m.LoaderScreen.visible = false
            m.LoadingIndicator.control = "stop"
        end if
    end if
end sub

There are 1 answers

Ajinkya On

Add an observer for the task node response object. In this observer call m.loaderscreen.visible = false. It will solve your problem.