We use FusionReactor which will show the overall memory usage at the server level, but it would be useful to be able to see how much memory individual items stored in the application scope are taking up.
Is it possible to determine the size (memory footprint) of an application scoped variable in ColdFusion?
1.2k views Asked by CfSimplicity AtThere are 4 answers

It is possible to see the Application Scope size from ColdFusion, using FusionReactor Application Performance Monitor http://www.fusion-reactor.com - this information is currently captured and stored in one of the log files. It is also possible to visualize this information using FusionAnalytics - which is able to display and analyze the metrics which have been captured from FusionReactor. You can see an example of this here - http://docs.intergral.com/display/FA205/CF+Scope+Sizes

The Enterprise version of ColdFusion 8 and higher has the Server monitor. The Server Monitor can breakdown memory usage and find out what requests and what variable scopes are consuming how much memory. FusionReactor currently can not.
According to a post on the FusionReactor group: http://groups.google.com/group/fusionreactor/browse_thread/thread/8a017a61d17e9840/d57cef46b843207d?lnk=gst&q=memory+request#d57cef46b843207d
James Holmes said:
A CF Standard install could make use of the Java SizeOf() class: sizeof.sourceforge.net sourceforge.net/projects/sizeof Some custom code would be necessary to create a monitor based on this, but it does work. mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles: www.bifrost.com.au/blog/

Have you looked at http://www.fusion-reactor.com/fr/ or http://www.seefusion.com/
I think both of these server monitors could help you out
Is this something that you need to do in real time and/or in production for monitoring? Or is this just something that you need for debugging?
I would suggest just using one of the JVM memory dump tools or maybe launching your app with the JRockit jvm and doing some live analysis with that.