Users complain that when they have several minimized windows in MDI container it's impossible to distinguish them unless they resore each. I wonder if it's possible to make minimized window a little bit wider so the text in the caption can contain 6 characters?
Thanks in advance!
Is it possible to change size of minimized window in MDI C# Winforms
3.2k views Asked by StuffHappens AtThere are 3 answers

[Although this post is 11 years old, i'm trying...: I'm facing an issue with in-app minimized windows, which are broken on my Windows11 (certainly by a software, but I don't know which one...). Those in-app minimized windows are much more narrower that it should be. Instead of having the minimized title bar containing title and 3 buttons, I can only see the close button. You said here it wasn't possible to change this size for a unique software, but I assume you know(knew) where to change it for the whole system? Here is a capture of the issue in ultraedit 1 and here in 3dsMax for example 2

To those who have the same problem as me, I found the solution:
(win+r) regedit HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics add the string value "MinWidth".
Change the string value named "MinWidth". Set its value using the following formula: -15*width in pixels
For me, acceptable one was -3300
Little drawback: It also changes size of the minimized windows in the taskbar (make them much wider when there is a few of them in taskbar)
No, this is not possible. Windows determines the width of a minimized window using the current system parameters, and there's no way to change this dynamically for a single application without changing the values across the entire system.
Specifically, the default size of all minimized windows is 160x31. In a MDI application, you actually get to see this size because the window is minimized into its MDI host, rather than into the Windows taskbar. Raymond Chen (a developer on the Windows Shell team at Microsoft) published a couple of blog entries a while back that explain why this particular size was chosen, and what it means. The first is available here: Why do minimized windows have an apparent size of 160x31? And the second follow-up entry can be read here: No, really, why is it 160x31? As he explains in that second post:
Since I doubt your users really want you messing with their default system parameters by P/Invoking the
function, you aren't left with a whole lot of options. My recommendation, especially if they're working with a single window at a time and leaving the others minimized, is to switch to an alternative interface. The intention of MDI was to allow users to tile or cascade multiple windows so that they could see more than one at a time. Since it sounds like that's not the typical use case, you might both be better served by switching the application to use tabs instead. This is often called a tabbed document interface (TDI), a somewhat more modern implementation of the old multiple document interface (MDI). It's become quite popular over the years; check out the Wikipedia article.