Is it possible to apply instance method reference to a different object that the reference source?

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As far as my understanding goes, method references can be used either statically or with wrapped object instance, for example:

public class MethodReferencesExampleTest {

    class Example {
        private String variable;

        public Example(String variable) {
            this.variable = variable;

        public String getVariable() {
            return variable;

    public void shouldBeAbleToUseBothClassAndInstanceMethodReference() {
        Example objectUnderTest = new Example("variable");

        useClassMethodReference(Example::getVariable, objectUnderTest);

    private <T> void useClassMethodReference(Function<T, String> methodReference, T object) {
        System.out.println("Class reference call result = " + methodReference.apply(object));

    private void useInstanceMethodReference(Supplier<String> methodReference) {
        System.out.println("Instance reference call result = " + methodReference.get());


What I would like to do is extract instance method reference and somehow convert it to class method reference, so that I could apply it to a different object of the same class, like:

private <T> void useInstanceMethodReferenceOnDifferentObjectThanItsSource(Supplier<String> instanceMethodReference, T object) {
    Function<T, String> classMethodReference = /* some magical conversion */ instanceMethodReference;
    System.out.println("Instance reference call result = " + classMethodReference.apply(object));

Is it at all possible? Byte-code wizardry like using cglib or even shady "hacks" are an acceptable answer.


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