Is it possible to add a ok_button to best_in_place with a select?

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Question is I would really would like the ability to have a ok_button with my best_in_place that is a select I know it works with a text area or input but, it will not work with a select are there any hack arounds to enable this for a select or any other options. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Here is my view that has the best in place

%td.trace-table{:style => 'border: solid black; color: red'}
  %span.u= best_in_place my_model, :approve_disapprove, :as => :select, :collection => ['Approve', 'Disapprove', 'Pending'], :ok_button => 'Okay'

and my application.js that enables the best_in_place

$(document).ready(function() {

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