From a progressive enhancement standpoint, I was just thinking through different ways of enhancing a web app so that a mobile user gets a server rendered view, vs a desktop user.
One thing I was thinking about was rendering a mobile view. The basic node code would be...
router.get("/components", function(req, res) {
var mobile = isMobile(req.headers["user-agent"]);
res.render("components" + (mobile ? "-mobile" : "");
In this way, I could render a more mobile friendly view that uses less JavaScript, and render a fuller, richer SPA on the desktop.
Wondering, if, and why this may or may not be a bad idea and any alternatives you may have.
Rendering different content for the same URL based on arbitrary conditions (device, language, etc) is a big no-no.
What you could do is setup middleware that verifies whether the user comes from a mobile device and redirect accordingly.
Alternatively, you could use the middleware so it applies to all your routes.