Whether Archimate tool : Archi is vulnerable to the log4j [CVE-2021-44228] impact? Is it using log4j first of all.
No, the Archi Java Archimate Modeller does not use log4j and is therefore also not vulnerable to this issue.
See the answers to the question in the Forum: https://github.com/archimatetool/archi/issues/795#issuecomment-996478526 https://forum.archimatetool.com/index.php?topic=1155.msg6168#msg6168
You can also search the code and will not find anything. https://github.com/archimatetool/archi/search?q=log4j
No, the Archi Java Archimate Modeller does not use log4j and is therefore also not vulnerable to this issue.
See the answers to the question in the Forum: https://github.com/archimatetool/archi/issues/795#issuecomment-996478526 https://forum.archimatetool.com/index.php?topic=1155.msg6168#msg6168
You can also search the code and will not find anything.