Is Alamofire Still Relevant in 2023?

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Is there a specific reason for us to continue using the Alamofire dependency in late 2023? Given that we now have URLSession.dataTaskPublisher(for: URLRequest) and new Swift concurrency with APIs such as await URLRequest).

I already have my HTTPClient with URLSession data publisher and URLRequest builder for my pets. I haven't had a chance to try await URLRequest) yet. I'm asking this because I'm a newcomer to a project that's just one year old, and the minimum deployment target is iOS 15. However, people on the team are using Alamofire. I don't have any objections to it, but for the sake of clarity, I'd like to confirm whether it's still necessary to use it in today's context.

Thank you for expressing your viewpoint...


There are 1 answers


You use dependencies so you don't have to write (and test, hopefully!) the code yourself. How valuable that is depends on the features you're writing, how much time you want to spend writing them, and the reliability you want in the end. You use Alamofire so you don't have to write your own HTTPClient or data publisher and can then take advantage of things like automatic retry.

Few, if any dependencies, are really "necessary".