I'm Using CentOS 7 and trying to install IP messenger in it but not able to install it. Can anyone help me in installing any IP messenger. Any kind of help would be appreciated. Thanks.
IP Messenger for CentOS 7
4.3k views Asked by Shubham At
There are 2 answers

iptux seems quite portable. You could compile it from sources and install it locally like for example this tutorial tells you.
Alternatively, you could manually download a packaged version of iptux in rpm format and install it using the CentOS package manager.
rpm -i iptux-0.5.1-alt1_13.i586.rpm OR rpm -i iptux-0.5.1-alt1_13.x86_64.rpm
You can also compile iptux from source:
Install dependencies
Fedora/Cent OS
Clone the directory from github
Compile it and install
Execute the program