IP from MAC Address of a computer not in my network(remote)

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I do not know if this is even a valid question but I am trying to get the IP address of a computer that I try to remotely connect to via TightVNC.

I have checked some answers on the SO, but they were mostly about the ARP-table for finding the ip-mac on the current network, not on a remote computer.

Unfortunately I only took note of local IP and MAC address of the remote computer when leaving it, but right after going to holidays, I realized I do not know the actual global IP. Now I am wondering whether there is a way to know the IP via a running PC with a specific IP.

Maybe related to this question, I was wondering if there is anyway that I can check the recent IP's with my current Windows computer which it has used, so I would know the IP range of the network that I used in the previous days and use that to find my remote PC.


There are 2 answers

Ricardo Ortega Magaña On BEST ANSWER

You should use a DDNS server, like http://www.noip.com/ where you install a software in your remote PC, and will update the IP in the no-ip server, now you will be able to connect to that remote PC, using a name like remote_pc_from_A.Yazdiha.no-ip.org in your ThigthVNC client.

M.S. Arun On

This Batch Code will fetch the below Details,

  1. PC Name
  2. IP Address
  3. MAC Address
  4. Computer Description(If Available)

Please save the below code in anyname.bat format and run it. It will output the results in a separate text file.

    :: This Windows Batch(CMD) File fetches All the Details of the Nearby PC's of Same VLAN (Upto 254 host's).
    :: Windows OS (CMD)
    :: Author : [M.S.Arun][1]

    :: #****************************************************************** Start of Script ********************************************************************#

    @echo off
    title Remote PC Details Fetching Script(PC Name / IP's / Computer Description)
    echo. > %cd%\PC_Details_Temp.txt
    echo Remote PC Details Fetching Script (PC Name / IP's / Computer Description) details of the Nearby PC's of Same VLAN.(Upto 254 Hosts)
    set /p input_ip="Please Enter the IP Range(Eg:192.168.1) :  " && echo
    set /p input_ip_start="Please Enter Start IP Range(Eg:1) :  " && echo
    set /p input_ip_end="Please Enter End IP Range(Eg:254) :  " && echo
    echo. >> %cd%\PC_Details_Temp.txt
    @echo on
    for /l %%i in (%input_ip_start%, 1, %input_ip_end%) do nbtstat -a %input_ip%.%%i | findstr /c:"MAC" /c:"<00>" | findstr /c:"MAC" /c:"UNIQUE" >> %cd%\PC_Details_Temp.txt && echo     IP Address  = %input_ip%.%%i >> %cd%\PC_Details_Temp.txt
    @echo off
    echo. > %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo. > %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo This Batch Script fetches All the Details of the Nearby PC's of Same VLAN.(Starting from 1 to 254 host's) >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo. >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo. >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo PC Host Name: >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    find "UNIQUE" PC_Details_Temp.txt >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo. >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo PC IP Address: >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    find "IP" PC_Details_Temp.txt >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo. >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo PC MAC Address: >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    find "MAC" PC_Details_Temp.txt >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo. >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo PC Seat No's. and Vnet No's: >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo. >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo. >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    net view /all >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo. >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    echo. >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    arp -a >> %cd%\PC_Details_Logs.txt
    :: del %cd%\PC_Details_Temp.txt
    echo Completed Successfully..!

    :: #****************************************************************** End of Script ********************************************************************#

Hope this might help.

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