I'm trying to build iOS sample application using Iotivity framework. I followed the steps given in official instruction to install. I've stuck on the third step, the following command:
cp ~/boost.build/ios/framework/boost.framework ~/iotivity-ios-port/extlibs/boost/ios/framework/
Is executed with the error:
path not found.
Is there any sample projects to understand this?
Those instructions don't look very useful, they may be outdated (although they're only a year old, looks like). Have you followed other steps elsewhere for setting up your environment (git clone, etc)? Does the path you are copying to exist (if you take the literal instruction, the git tree has to be at ~/iotivity-ios-port)? I would actually expect that boost needs to be added to xcode to be useful to the build, rather than have a local copy in extlibs.