I've a requirement to integrate AliPay payment gateway into my app, I've dived into google sea but unfortunately there's no fish for my need.
From somewhere, I found this link, https://globalprod.alipay.com/order/integrationGuide.htm, but there's no integration steps for the iOS app.
Does anyone implemented this before? Any documentation out there? Anything?
Generally, there are two ways to do alipay.
1. Integrate the alipay SDK and use alipay App to do the job.
SDK download from: https://openhome.alipay.com/doc/docIndex.htm#goto=https://openhome.alipay.com/doc/viewKbDoc.htm?key=236698_261849&type=info
2. Develop a wap web to pay on web, this is not our job...