iOS WeChat SDK Login Integration issue : System error. Error code:10026

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I am implementing login with WeChat functionality using WeChat iOS SDK. I do i have WeChat developer id(appID). i have done following coding in iOS app

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

    [WXApi registerApp:@"APP_ID"];

    return YES;

When i call senAuthReq like this

    SendAuthReq* req = [[SendAuthReq alloc ] init] ;
    req.scope = @"snsapi_userinfo" ;
    req.state = @"123" ;

    [WXApi sendReq:req];

WeChat iOS app Gives me error: Unable to log in WeChat. System error. Error code:10026


There are 1 answers

user7398087 On

Check your APP bundleID on the WeChat at Wechat'OpenPlatForm, keep it same with yours