I used cocoapods to bring VIMNetworking library into my project.
pod 'VIMNetworking', '~> 6.0'
pod 'VIMObjectMapper', '~> 6.0'
Now in the AppDelegate.m of my project folder when the pods where installed I try
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "VIMNetworking.h"
I receive this error ! "VIMNetworking.h" file not found.
When I search the VIMNetworking Pod for this file it doesn't exist. I am just trying to follow the initialization setup in gitHub.
#import "VIMNetworking.h"
. . .
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
VIMSessionConfiguration *config = [[VIMSessionConfiguration alloc] init];
config.clientKey = @"your_client_key";
config.clientSecret = @"your_client_secret";
config.scope = @"your_scope"; // E.g. "private public upload etc"
config.keychainService = @"your_service";
config.keychainAccessGroup = @"your_access_group"; // Optional
[VIMSession sharedSession setupWithConfiguration:config];
if ([[VIMSession sharedSession].account isAuthenticated] == NO)
NSLog(@"Already authenticated!");
. . .
Thanks for any feedback on how to get the pod initialized into my project.