I have a textview in my cell. I have NSTimer that every 5 seconds changes a content of a cell. First time everything is ok. For example: This is test text find out on www.example.com. This is ok. But on timer I animate the cell and in my animation I'm changing the text of TwxtView. When this happens this is my text: This is test text find out on www.example.com. As you can see, it recognizes the whole text as url link and this is not good. I was looking for solution but could not find it, what's the catch? My TextView has property Editable set to NO and Scrollable set to NO, link detection is enabled.
iOS UITextView recognize wrong link
293 views Asked by Flipper At
There are 2 answers
Please make sure you have set self.yourTextView.selectable = YES;
programmatically or from XIB.
Then you try below trick which work for me .
self.yourTextView.scrollEnabled = YES;
[self.yourTextView setText:contentString]; // Set content in 5 secs here
self.yourTextView.scrollEnabled = NO;
Hope this will help you.
I had same problem. Clear link attribute before you set your content string.
Try this:
Good luck.