I tried save textview as image with not device scale. I implemented a method to save an image by adding an arbitrary textview according to the UI value. Because when I tried save image using drawHierarchy method in up scale, image was blurry.
Condition when textview is saved blurry
- not device scale (up scale)
- 1-1. isScrollEnabled = false and height of textview is more than 128.
- 1-2. isScrollEnabled = true (always text is blurry)
here is my code
func drawQuoteImage() {
var campusSize = view.frame.size
var scale = UIScreen.main.scale + 2
// 1. Create View
let quoteView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: campusSize.width, height: campusSize.height))
let textview = UITextView()
textview.attributedText = NSAttributedString(string: quoteLabel.text, attributes: textAttributes as [NSAttributedString.Key : Any])
textview.frame = transfromFrame(originalFrame: quoteLabel.frame, campusSize: campusSize)
// 2. Render image
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(quoteView.frame.size, false, scale)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
context.interpolationQuality = .high
quoteView.drawHierarchy(in: quoteView.frame, afterScreenUpdates: true)
quoteView.layer.render(in: context)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
quoteImage = image
private func transfromFrame(originalFrame: CGRect, campusSize: CGSize) -> CGRect
if UIDevice.current.screenType == .iPhones_X_XS {
return CGRect(x: round(originalFrame.origin.x), y: round(originalFrame.origin.y), width: round(originalFrame.width), height: round(originalFrame.height))
else {
var frame = CGRect()
let ratioBasedOnWidth = campusSize.width / editView.frame.width
let ratioBasedOnHeight = campusSize.height / editView.frame.height
frame.size.width = round(originalFrame.width * ratioBasedOnWidth)
frame.size.height = round(originalFrame.height * ratioBasedOnHeight)
frame.origin.x = round(originalFrame.origin.x * ratioBasedOnWidth)
frame.origin.y = round(originalFrame.origin.y * ratioBasedOnHeight)
return frame
Wired Point
when height of textview is more than 128, textview is save blurry. I found related value when I put textview default height is 128.
Height is 128 or less (when isScrollEnabled is false), textview is saved always clear. But when height is more than 128, it looks blurry.
Height 128
Height 129
I'd like to know how to clearly draw image with textview at @5x scale. (textview height is bigger than 128)
Here's a quick example using a
extension from this accepted answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51944513/6257435We'll create a
with a size of240 x 129
. Then add 4 buttons to capture the text view at 1x, 2x, 5x and 10x scale.It looks like this when running:
and the result...
scale - 240 x 129 pixels:At
scale - 480 x 258 pixels:At
scale - 1200 x 645 pixels (just showing a portion):At
scale - 2400 x 1290 pixels (just showing a portion):The extension:
Sample controller code: