In the main view of my app I have a table view and two prototype cells. I have configured the segues for each cell using the storyboard. In the view controller I override prepareForSegue to pass information on the selected cell to the destination view.
The destination view isn't particularly complex and certainly doesn't require any heavy processing to load.
When I tap on a cell in the main controller for the very first time, the destination view appears after a long delay, from 5 to 40 seconds.
EDIT #2: subsequent taps are generally faster
Note that:
- If I tap on the same cell again before the destination view has appeared, this triggers the destination view to appear immediately.
- As above, but tapping on a different cell results in the view appearing immediately but with the data from the first cell.
- As above, but tapping on a different control (with no associated segues) triggers the destination view to appear immediately.
- Subsequent "taps" generally manifest less delay.
- The Time Profiler - for what I can see - shows that absolutely nothing is happening during those many seconds of delay.
- I have tried different type of segues, but it made no difference
A few println's show that the following sequence of events occurs:
- in the main view, prepareForSegue is executed (no delays)
- then the destination viewDidLoad is executed (no delays)
- ... long delay ...
- the collection and table views in the destination controller start invoking the data source related methods to fetch the data from the controller.
- the view finally appears (with an unwanted animation, BTW, but that's a different problem)
From what I have read on this topic, I suspect the problem is potentially related to some of the above operations happening in a background thread.
Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
EDIT #1: added some code
In the main view controller the segues have been link using the story board (CTRL-drag the two prototype cells into the destination view).
The code looks a bit like below:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?)
var assetIndex = assetsTable.indexPathForSelectedRow()?.row
println("prepare for segue - start: \(assets[assetIds[assetIndex!]]!.Name)")
if let destination = segue.destinationViewController as? AssetThingsListViewController
destination.bundlesRepository = bundlesRepository!
destination.asset = assets[assetIds[assetIndex!]]
println("prepare for segue - end")
EDIT #3 I have made a sample project available on BitBucket
I checked your project. And while I also couldn't find anything else, I also suspect that it's a problem with threading.
I managed to fix the problem by implementing a delegate for the
and present the new controller in code:Notice you have the set the view controller storyboard id:
and also set the tableview delegate. Don't forget to remove the segues.At the end to dissmis the view in the new view controller use this code:
This would allow you to properly close the view instead of wrongly creating a new one.