Using the new Metal Custom Shader API, I've created Grass models that move over time.
Is there a way to determine the distance between the model's fragment and the camera?
I've tried to search through surface_parameters.uniforms().
There are a few potential properties such as model_to_view, projection_to_view but I don't know what to do further.
Any tips appreciated.
Edit:: Here is the code for the grassGreenShader
void grassGreenShader(realitykit::surface_parameters params)
params.surface().set_base_color(half3(0.094, 0.697, 0.088));
Here is the code to change the base colour of the fragment. This part is wrong:
void respondToCameraDistanceShader(realitykit::surface_parameters params)
float3 distanceToCamera = params.geometry().world_position();
if (distanceToCamera.z < 0.3 && distanceToCamera.z > -0.3)
params.surface().set_base_color(half3(0.934, 0.902, 0.355));