I have a modal view (form sheet style) and i don't want it to move up when the keyboard appears because i have a popover inside that doesn't follow the modal view and looks really bad.
Basically i want to prevent moving up the modal view when the keyboard shows up
Here the images that show how it looks
Thanks for helping me!!
what i did at the end was to change the style to UIModalPresentationPageSheet and change the superview bounds to look like a form sheet.
self.checkIn = [[ApparatusCheckInViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ApparatusCheckInViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
[self.checkIn setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationPageSheet];
[self presentViewController:self.checkIn animated:YES completion:nil];
CGRect bounds = self.checkIn.view.superview.bounds;
bounds.size.height *= 0.8;
bounds.size.width *= 0.6;
self.checkIn.view.superview.bounds = bounds;