iOS App Crashes when installed remote/diawi but not if installed from xcode

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I have an iOS app which, when submitted to Apple is crashing during usage when you try to go to a new view. This also occurs if i package up the application for enterprise distribution and then go to use the app.

If i just plug the phone in and run from xcode to the device though, it runs perfectly.

Has anyone experienced this before and have any ideas what it could be? Running latest xcode and ios, not using betas.

EDIT - i've tested building straight to the device using both debug and release scehemes, and they both working, but again, only when the device is plugged into the computer and it's built straight to it. packaging it in anyway and installing remotely causes it to crash on a particular screen. The error logs end up as a basically unreadable mess at this point.


There are 2 answers


When we archive app it mostly builds with release mode on, and when we run build on devices simply by XCode it's with debug mode on. You can check these configuration by going

Edit Scheme -> Run -> Build configuration, same you can check for Archive.

Now for tracking the crash issue you can simply try changing Run's debug mode to release mode for time being.

I got the crash where I was doing configuration for firebase for production target which has different bundle identifier than dev build identifier. You case may be different.

Colin On

Wow, to be honest, that is really odd... It really shouldn't have that affect if you distribute via enterprise... As of any idea on how to fix this issue: you did add entitlements to the app when signing via enterprise, right?