iOS 14 UIMenu replacingChildren does not work

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I want to add an UIMenu with conditional menu children to a UIButton's menu on iOS14, but the replacingChildren does not work. = UIMenu( options: .displayInline, children:[
       UIAction(title:"Action 1"){_ in},
       UIAction(title:"Action 2"){_ in}
//Try to update menu's children but it does not work =[ 
      UIAction(title:"Action 3"){_ in},
      UIAction(title:"Action 4"){_ in}

The menu does not change. I need to create a completely new instance of UIMenu with new children and assign it to How to use replacingChildren or any mistake?


There are 1 answers

lucasl On

I stumbled upon this as well. For some reason using replacingChildren resulted in the unaltered children array on iOS 14. For iOS 15 the behavior is as expected.

However, I was able to go around this by just setting a newly instantiated UIMenu instead.

In your case by calling: = UIMenu(options: .displayInline, children:[
    UIAction(title:"Action 3"){_ in},
    UIAction(title:"Action 4"){_ in}

Since this isn't the greatest solution and (for me) it was only needed for iOS 14 you might want to only use this when needed:

if #available(iOS 15.0, *) { =[ 
      UIAction(title:"Action 3"){_ in},
      UIAction(title:"Action 4"){_ in}
} else { = UIMenu(options: .displayInline, children:[
      UIAction(title:"Action 3"){_ in},
      UIAction(title:"Action 4"){_ in}

I hope this might help whoever needs it.