Ionic open android camera with ng-file-upload input button

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I'm making an app using Ionic. It's almost done, but there is one problem. I am using ng-file-upload to upload files from the device. From iOS it asks if I want to upload from my gallery, or take a picture with the camera. From Android, it only asks from gallery, no camera option is showed.

I have read the whole documentation of ng-file-upload, and all the open and closed issues. None of them helped though.

I am using the following code: <div class="thumbnail_box col col-25" ngf-select="addImage(picFile)" ngf-fix-orientation="true" ngf-capture="camera" ng-model="picFile" accept="image/*">

Tried a lot of different tags, such as: ngf-capture="camera" capture="camera" no tag at all

If have also tried using a <button> and <input type="file"...> istead of a div, which also don't work..

I have also tried it with, and without the Crosswalker-project. Doesn't seem to make any difference.. When I visit one of the examples of ng-file-upload on my browser on my Android phone, and press on the 'choose file' button, it does show the camera option..

Has anyone found a solution or workaround for this?

Any help appreciated!


There are 1 answers


Found the problem. Seems I had to add:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

to the AndroidManifest xml file