ionic-material demo on android bowser/hybrid-App templates not showing

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I successfully build the ionic-material demo Ionic-material Demo

when I do ionic server the browser opens and the app works as excpected but when compiled on android

ionic platform add android
ionic build android
ionic run android

the app compiled and run but I'm not able to show diffrent screens on navigate the url changes and the floting action buttons show up but not te template files ?
what I'm doing wrong or what might be the problem ??
I added alert("debug") in the controller and the alert is showing up on navigation so just the template not rendering
note ionic is built over AngulaJs so Angular experts can help too
any help appreciated


There are 1 answers

sman0307 On

Steps i'd take to debug this are:

  1. run ionic serve, and check the console for angularJS errors and resolve any if there are any

  2. run - ionic platform add android + ionic run android with a connected android device and from another console window run the following command to run logcat via ADB

    adb logcat CordovaActivity:V CordovaWebView:V CordovaWebViewClient:V IceCreamCordovaWebViewClient:V CordovaLog:V *:S

  3. Resolve any errors the ADB flags

  4. Try ionic platform add android + ionic run android again

Note: ionic handles touch events in browser and on device so this will not be the issue, it is likely it is a syntax error that has stopped the compile to device