I am developing a mobile app using ionic framework. I am looking for a datetime picker without jQuery and bootstrap dependencies. As ionic is using Angular its better if there is any angular datetimepicker without bootstrap.
I found this angular-datepicker https://github.com/alongubkin/angular-datepicker but this is no longer maintained.
ionic framework datetimepicker without jquery-bootstrap dependencies
4.4k views Asked by fyasir At
There are 3 answers

You can try this component: https://github.com/katemihalikova/ion-datetime-picker
Demo: http://codepen.io/katemihalikova/full/dYvjzP/
<ion-item ion-datetime-picker ng-model="datetimeValue">
{{datetimeValue| date: "yyyy-mm-dd H:mm:ss"}}

you can use the followings controls:
for Datepicker https://github.com/rajeshwarpatlolla/ionic-datepicker
for timepicker https://github.com/rajeshwarpatlolla/ionic-timepicker
I just got it resolved,
Unfortunately Andrey Shatilov I dint get a popup with date and time when I tried with ion-item inside ion- list
But fortunately
this code saved me.
This is how my Date Time picker looks like