Ionic FirebaseX getToken() not return any data

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I start connecting Firebase Cloud Messaging to Ionic + Angular, but when I call method const token = await this.firebase.getToken(); I don't get anything. Application keeps working, but I still don't get the token. Full code:

async getToken() {
  const hasPermission = await this.firebase.hasPermission();
  if (Capacitor.getPlatform() === 'ios' && !hasPermission) {
    await this.firebase.grantPermission();

  const token = await this.firebase.getToken();

I added GoogleService-Info.plist to the root of my app:


In addition, in my firebase account I already upload my APNs Auth Key and I created certificates on AppleDeveloper Acc. The application identificator the same in Apple, Application and Firebase.

What I did wrong?


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