Ionic/Cordova menubutton event not called

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I am trying to monitor the Menu Button on Android (4.4.2 - Samsung S3), but the Ionic event (nor the underlying Cordova event) is not firing:

$ionicPlatform.on("menubutton", function () {
  // do our stuff here (never gets called)

Has anyone been able to make this work? Running Ionic platform 1.0.0, and all other events are firing as expected.


There are 2 answers

Jess Patton On

Try this: in the .run()

$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
     if (window.cordova) {
        document.addEventListener("menubutton", myApp.onHardwareMenuKeyDown, false);

Then in the controller:

 $scope.onHardwareMenuKeyDown = function() {
    alert('menu button is working');

Another way to do something:

angular.module('myApp', ['ngCordova', 'ionic', 'myApp.controllers'])
  .run(function($ionicPlatform, $rootScope, $state, $localstorage,$ionicSideMenuDelegate ) {

     $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {

      document.addEventListener("menubutton", onMenuKeyDown, false);

       function onMenuKeyDown() {
          console.log("some menu pops pup!! ");
          // here change the view , etc... 


Alien Technology On

The docs are missing a line.

document.addEventListener("deviceready", function() {
    ..."menubutton", true);  // <-- Add this line
    document.addEventListener("menubutton", yourCallbackFunction, false);
}, false);