ion-list is is not scrolling and items are not clickable although the item is clickable in another list if you would like to help me here is the html code and the code is on github
<ion-content class="page-products" (ionScroll)="onScroll($event)">
<ion-list class="list-view" *ngIf="productView=='list'">
<span *ngFor="let p of products">
<product [data]="p" [type]="'list'"></product>
<ion-grid *ngIf="productView=='grid'">
<ion-col *ngFor="let p of products" col-6>
<product [data]="p" [type]="'normal'"></product>
<ion-col *ngIf="products.length==0 && !httpRunning" col-12 class="animated fadeIn">
<h6 text-center>{{'No Products Found!'|translate}}</h6>
<ion-infinite-scroll #infinite (ionInfinite)="getProducts($event)">