io.fabric8 plugin generates kubernetes and openshift yaml

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io.fabric8 generates kubernetes and openshift yaml when i include targetDir configuration


by default it goes to goes to target/fabric8/deployment.yaml i want it to go to {basedir}/fabric8/ without it generating some extra extra folders and files, just /deployment.yaml, this is the command i ran mvn fabric8:resource


There are 1 answers

Rohan Kumar On

I'm from Fabric8 team. Fabric8 Maven Plugin has an option fabric8.targetDir with which you can override default target directory. Here is how it should work for your use case:

~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ mkdir fabric8
~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ mvn fabric8:resource -Dfabric8.targetDir="./fabric8"
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ----------------------< meetup:random-generator >-----------------------
[INFO] Building random-generator 0.0.1
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- fabric8-maven-plugin:4.3.1:resource (default-cli) @ random-generator ---
[INFO] F8: Using Container image name of namespace: rokumar
[INFO] F8: Running generator spring-boot
[INFO] F8: spring-boot: Using Container image fabric8/s2i-java:2.3 as base / builder
[INFO] F8: fmp-controller: Adding a default Deployment
[INFO] F8: fmp-service: Adding a default service 'random-generator' with ports [8080]
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding readiness probe on port 8080, path='//health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 10 seconds
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding liveness probe on port 8080, path='//health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 180 seconds
[INFO] F8: fmp-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/kubernetes/random-generator-service.yml resource
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/kubernetes/random-generator-deployment.yml resource
[INFO] F8: fmp-controller: Adding a default DeploymentConfig
[INFO] F8: fmp-service: Adding a default service 'random-generator' with ports [8080]
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding readiness probe on port 8080, path='//health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 10 seconds
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding liveness probe on port 8080, path='//health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 180 seconds
[INFO] F8: fmp-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/openshift/random-generator-deploymentconfig.yml resource
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/openshift/random-generator-service.yml resource
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/openshift/random-generator-route.yml resource
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  6.127 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-01-08T12:37:50+05:30
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ ls fabric8/
kubernetes  kubernetes.yml  openshift  openshift.yml
~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ ls fabric8/kubernetes
random-generator-deployment.yml  random-generator-service.yml

Unfortunately, Fabric8 Maven Plugin generates resource descriptors for both Kubernetes and Openshift. In case of Kubernetes also, it generates a default Service, if you want to disable it, you can configure plugin like this to disable Service Enricher:


This way Service won't be generated during the resource generation phase and you would be left with Deployment only. Here is a run after the plugin configuration:

"/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ mvn fabric8:resource -Dfabric8.targetDir="./fabric8 
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ----------------------< meetup:random-generator >-----------------------
[INFO] Building random-generator 0.0.1
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- fabric8-maven-plugin:4.3.1:resource (default-cli) @ random-generator ---
[INFO] F8: Using Container image name of namespace: rokumar
[INFO] F8: Running generator spring-boot
[INFO] F8: spring-boot: Using Container image fabric8/s2i-java:2.3 as base / builder
[INFO] F8: fmp-controller: Adding a default Deployment
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding readiness probe on port 8080, path='/actuator/health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 10 seconds
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding liveness probe on port 8080, path='/actuator/health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 180 seconds
[INFO] F8: fmp-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/kubernetes/random-generator-deployment.yml resource
[INFO] F8: fmp-controller: Adding a default DeploymentConfig
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding readiness probe on port 8080, path='/actuator/health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 10 seconds
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding liveness probe on port 8080, path='/actuator/health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 180 seconds
[INFO] F8: fmp-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/openshift/random-generator-deploymentconfig.yml resource
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  6.598 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-01-08T14:20:52+05:30
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ ls fabric8/
kubernetes  kubernetes.yml  openshift  openshift.yml
~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ ls fabric8/kubernetes

We have been refactoring/rebranding FMP into two different plugins, you can find it here: Eclipse Jkube, it has two plugins - Kubernetes Maven Plugin and Openshift Maven Plugin. They only generate Kubernetes or Openshift manifests respectively. That way you can only generate Kubernetes resources which seem to be fitting your current use case.

Hope that helps.