Invoking Method of Presenter on Activation

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I'm using Smart Client Software Factory 2008. In the module controller, I have code that creates a new child controller only if it hasn't been created, by doing something like the following:

Dim key = "Item-" + item.ID.ToString()
Dim childWorkItem = Me.WorkItem.WorkItems.Get(Of ControlledWorkItem(Of ItemWorkItemController))(key)
If childWorkItem Is Nothing Then
    childWorkItem = Me.WorkItem.WorkItems.AddNew(Of ControlledWorkItem(Of ItemWorkItemController))(key)
End If

Multiple items reuse the same key, so when that action is triggered, it shows the tab instead of creating a new instance of it. This works great.

However, there is one drawback. Once activated, I need to run a check within that item's presenter. So I need to call a method on the presenter. Is there a way to invoka a method on the presenter, or is there an event that runs on the view when the work item is activated? I'm not sure how to make that happen?



There are 1 answers

neverseenjack On

If you are using a Smart Part as your View you should be able to accomplish this using the IWorkspace.SmartPartActivated event.

This is how I have it setup in my project. I apologize, my code is all in C# but you should be able to apply it in VB relatively easily.

The WorkItemController class has the Activate method setup like this

ISmartPartView _smartPartView

public void Activate()
   IWorkspace contentWorkspace = this.WorkItem.Workspaces[WorkspaceNames.ShellContentWorkspace];

In the ISmartPartView Presenter class you should be able to create a handler for the SmartPartActivated event like this:

IWorkspace contentWorkspace = this.WorkItem.Workspaces[WorkspaceNames.ShellContentWorkspace];
contentWorkspace.SmartPartActivated += workSpaceSmartPart_ActivatedHandler;

In the workSpaceSmartPart_ActivatedHandler event handler, you can check the SmartPart being activated and if its your ISmartPartView class you can run the desired code.