I see a lot of info about how to invoke a stored procedure to return, say, the key of a record that was inserted from Python to an SQL table using the fetchval()
However, I would like to invoke an SQL UDF.
The SQL is
ALTER FUNCTION udf_get_gleif_last_entity_lei
RETURNS nvarchar(500)
DECLARE @last_lei nvarchar(500)
SELECT @last_lei = LEI FROM dbo.gleif_level1_entities WHERE id=(SELECT max(id) FROM dbo.gleif_level1_entities);
RETURN @last_lei
I can confirm this works by invoking it through a query window:
declare @result nvarchar(500)
exec @result = dbo.udf_get_gleif_last_entity_lei
Now I want to invoke this through python. I thought it would work the same way as invoking a stored procedure:
[conn, cursor] = init_connection(server_name, db_name)
sql_str = "exec dbo.udf_get_gleif_last_entity_lei"
return_value = cursor.execute(sql_str).fetchval()
print("return_value = ", return_value)
Unfortunately that doesn't want to work. It errors on the cursor.execute()
pyodbc.ProgrammingError: No results. Previous SQL was not a query.
This makes me think that UDFs must be executed a different way. Or maybe I change this to a regular stored procedure. I can make that work. Anyway: Can pyodbc invoke UDFs? If so, how?
Addendum: Yes. This definitely works when I change the UDF to a stored procedure.