I am trying to execute this riscv assembly code but I keep getting the error :Invalid language element
This is the code part that error happend. (last row)
addi sp,sp,-32
sw ra,28(sp)
sw s0,24(sp)
addi s0,sp,32
li a5,32
sw a5,-20(s0)
li a5,8
sw a5,-24(s0)
li a5,4
sw a5,-28(s0)
sw zero,-32(s0)
call initialize
lw a3,-32(s0)
lw a2,-28(s0)
lw a1,-24(s0)
lw a0,-20(s0)
call accessWords
li a5,0
mv a0,a5
lw ra,28(sp)
lw s0,24(sp)
addi sp,sp,32
jr ra
I just want to run this program. This is the error.
Error in C:\Users\ASUS\OneDrive\Desktop\riscv1.asm line 110 column 3: jr ra
Invalid language element: jr ra
Assemble: operation completed with errors.
I cant understand why I am getting the error.