Invalid constant value on Textformfield

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I try to do show and hide password but it says Invalid constant value on the _togglePasswordView, And _isHidden I wonder what I did wrong If someone know plz help

bool _isHidden = true;

 void _togglePasswordView() {
 setState(() {
  _isHidden = !_isHidden;

          obscureText: _isHidden,
          decoration: const InputDecoration(
            hintText: 'Password',
            suffix: InkWell(
              onTap: _togglePasswordView,
              child: Icon(
                _isHidden ? Icons.visibility : Icons.visibility_off,

There are 3 answers

Kerim On

So lets make it clear about const keyword. When you use const keyword - you define a value constant from compile-time. It means - its value must be defined before the program even runs. So you may not but any run-time (created at some time when program is running) variables or conditions into constant constructors. Just remove the constant keyword.

Shanu On

You're using something dynamic (here onTap function), inside a const constructor call

JUST REMOVE const KEYWORD and you'll be fine

George Rabbat On

const Keyword means your variable will not change at application run-time.

what you're doing is saying to the complier that make TextFormField constant it will not change. while you changing the icon through run-time.

Just remove const and you well be fine