invalid class “LogMap” object: Rownames must be supplied When trying to create a Seurat object

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I've been trying to create a Seurat object:

nuc.seurat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = as.matrix(UMIs), project = i, min.cells = 3, min.features = 200)

however I keep on getting the following error:

Error in validObject(.Object) : 
  invalid class “LogMap” object: Rownames must be supplied

The weird thing is, just a day ago it worked completely fine with the exact same pipline. UMIs in this case is a count dataframe, and it has rownames (despite what the error is suggesting):

         Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 Sample4
A1BG          21       0       6       1
A1BG-AS1       2       0       0       0
A1CF           9       3       8       2
A2M           17       0       4       0
A2M-AS1        0       0       0       0

(UMIs is a lot larger this is just a subset)

I do not have a lot of experience in R or using Seurat so any input would help! Thank you!

I have tried removing some pf the input args of CreateSeuratObject and that did work:

nuc.seurat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = as.matrix(UMIs), project = i, min.cells = 3)

However, filtering by min.features at this step reduces object size and eliminates other error down the line (NA data and so on). So it's not a good enough solution.


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