Invalid character while converting from JSON to XML using jsonlib

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I'm trying to convert a JSON string to XML using jsonlib in Java.

    JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(jsonString); 
    XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer();
    String xml = serializer.write( json );  

The error that I get is

    nu.xom.IllegalNameException: 0x24 is not a legal NCName character

The problem here is that I have some properties in my JSON that are invalid XML characters. eg. I have a property named "$t". The XMLSerializer throws the exception while trying to create a XML tag in this name because $ is not allowed in XML tag names. Is there any way in which I can override this XML well formedness check done by the serializer?


There are 3 answers

synner On

First I'd suggest to add the language you are using (it is Java, right?).

You could override the method where it checks your XML tag name to do nothing.

Michael Kay On

I took a look at the spec for the json-lib XMLSerializer and to my surprise it seems to have no option for serialising a JSON object whose keys are not valid XML names. If that's the case then I think you will need to find a different library.

RoToRa On

You could loop over json.keySet (recursively if necessary) and replace invalid keys with valid ones (using remove and add).