Intersection of one multidimensional arrays in PHP

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I have the following array :

$output = array(
  1507073550 => array(
    0 => array(
        "userid" => "1507073550"
        "username" => "ma_alikhani"
        "type" => "comment"
        "profile_image" => ""
    1 => array(
        "userid" => "11863258101"
        "username" => "rasouli680"
        "type" => "comment"
        "profile_image" => ""
    2 => array(
        "userid" => "16528062"
        "username" => "alireza"
        "type" => "comment"
        "profile_image" => ""
  16528062 => array(
    0 => array(
        "userid" => "16528062"
        "username" => "alireza"
        "type" => "comment"
        "profile_image" => ""
    1 => array(
        "userid" => "1507073550"
        "username" => "ma_alikhani"
        "type" => "comment"
        "profile_image" => ""

and I want to intersection of keys of this array. get first key "1507073550" and second key "16528062" and intersect all of their data. it's not always have 2 keys, it might have +2 keys, i wrote this code but I'm getting array to string conversion error.

            $keys = array_keys($output);
            foreach ($keys as $index => $values)
                $current_value = $output[$values]; // or $current_value = $a[$keys[$index]];
                $next_key = next($keys);
                $next_value = $output[$next_key] ?? null; // for php version >= 7.0
                $a[] = array_intersect_assoc($current_value,$next_value);

and I'm expecting this result :

    0 => array(
        "userid" => "1507073550"
        "username" => "ma_alikhani"
        "type" => "comment"
        "profile_image" => ""
    1 => array(
        "userid" => "16528062"
        "username" => "alireza"
        "type" => "comment"
        "profile_image" => ""

I really don't know how to do it ! I'd be appreciated for your helps.


There are 1 answers

loydg On
function intersect(array $src, array $keys)
    // Require that both $src and $keys have data
    if (!$src || !$keys) {
        return [];

    // Hold the users for each key in $keys
    $sets = [];

    // Store the users from $src to $sets as dictated by $keys
    foreach ($keys as $key) {
        if (isset($src[$key])) {
            // Re-key the list of users with their user id
            $userIds = array_column($src[$key], 'userid');
            $sets[$key] = array_combine($userIds, $src[$key]);

    if (count($sets) !== count($keys)) {
        // Up to you if you want to require that all keys must be valid/present in the $src

    // Get the users present in all of the set dictated by $keys
    $users = call_user_func_array('array_intersect_key', $sets);

    return $users;

To use:

$output = [ ... ];  // $ouput in the question
$keys = [1507073550, 16528062];  // see question
$users = intersect($output, $keys);