Interpolation with Delaunay Triangulation

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Having a cloud point shaped like some sort of distorted paraboloid, I would like to use Delaunay Triangulation to interpolate the points. I have tried other techniques (f.ex. splines) but did not manage to enforce the desired behavior.

I was wondering if there's a quick way to use the results of scipy.spatial.Delaunay in a way where I can give the (x,y) coords and get the z-coord of the point on the simplex (triangle). From the documentation looks like I can pull out the index of the simplex but I am not sure how to take it from there.

enter image description here


There are 2 answers


You can give the Delaunay triangulation to scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator together with the set of Z-values, and it should do the job for you.

If you really want to do the interpolation yourself, you can build it up from find_simplex and transform.

Sandipan Dey On

We can compute the barycentric coordinates using the object returned by scipy.special.Delaunay() from the given sample points and interpolate the function as follows (can be done without using scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator):

from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

nx, ny = 160, 300

xv, yv = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny))
xv = xv.flatten()
yv = yv.flatten()
pp = np.vstack((xv, yv)).T
n = 100

ix = np.random.choice(nx, n).tolist() + [0, 0, nx-1, nx-1]
iy = np.random.choice(ny, n).tolist() + [0, ny-1, 0, ny-1]
f = np.zeros((nx, ny))
for x, y in zip(ix, iy):
    f[x, y] = (x/160)**2 + (y/300)**2 + np.random.rand()
points = np.array(list(zip(ix, iy)))
tri = Delaunay(points)
ss = tri.find_simplex(pp)
ndim = tri.transform.shape[2]

out = np.zeros((nx, ny))
for i in np.unique(ss): # for all simplices (triangles)
    p = pp[ss == i] # all points in the simplex
    # compute the barycentric coordinates of the points
    b = tri.transform[i, :ndim].dot(np.transpose(p) - tri.transform[i, ndim].reshape(-1,1))
    αβγ = np.c_[np.transpose(b), 1 - b.sum(axis=0)] 
    sp = points[tri.simplices[i]]
    if len(αβγ) > 0:
        out[p[:,0], p[:,1]] = αβγ@f[sp[:,0], sp[:,1]]     
out = out / out.max()

plt.imshow(out, aspect='auto', cmap='Oranges'), plt.axis(), plt.title('interpolated output with\n barycentric coordinates', size=20)
plt.triplot(points[:,1], points[:,0], tri.simplices)
for p in points:
    plt.scatter(p[1], p[0], c=f[p[0],p[1]], s=50)
plt.title(f'Interpolation with Delaunay Triangulation', size=20)

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