I have an internal NLB that listens on 443 and custom port (say 7273). NLB Security group allows all TCP traffic (to ensure this is not an issue)
Route 53 CNAME (say example.com) is mapped to NLB CNAME.
NLB has 3 listeners:
Listener port | Target group port | Behaviour |
80 | 7273 | Reachable as https://example.com:80 |
443 | 8080 | Reachable as https://example.com |
7273 | 7273 | Not reachable from local machine as https://example.com:7273, works when using a bastion box in same AWS account |
Can internal load balancer be accessed only on 80 and 443 ports if behind Route53 and accessed via Route53 URL?
https://example.com:7273 should be accessible