Intellisense in VS2013 for partial class not working properly?

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I have been using vs2013 for my Unity game with VS Unity plug-in.

Intellisense is working just fine except for my partial classes.

For some reasons that I cannot fathom, Intellisense's complete word function does not work.

If I write down the whole method/variable, it does not show any errors BUT when I'm half done with my typing, it shows up on very rare occasions.

I am currently wondering what may be the cause of this problem but not even close to finding one reason.

Could be that my partial class (split into 2) is large since both added up contains more than 20000 lines (which is the reason I split them).

But then, its merely 20,000 lines of code and is just a medium sized project compared to what other projects may contain.

Any help would be appreciated.


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