IntelliJ disable Jalopy for a specific project

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How can I disable Jalopy for a specific project in IntelliJ Idea 14 or 15?

It seems that he is not so friend with Java8, but all other projects are in Java7. So, I need to selectively disable Jalopy. Or maybe It would be nice to enable it only for specific projects.

Can someone provide a kind of tutorial. An answer suggested to use aliases, but I would like to see how.


There are 2 answers

Kushan Menake On

You can add a exclusion as below. use a unique folder name as below enter image description here

or add it in to the jalopy.xml

kjv.007 On

You can configure jalopy by alias, simply do not include your project in the alias if you don't want to run the Jalopy configuration for that project/module.