Various pages can be found on the internet mentioning libjpeg-turbo for Android (example). They all point at the repository here, and say to read ANDROID.txt
for build instructions. There's no such text file in the repository though. Is this repository the official place to go to get libjpeg-turbo for Android? If so, where are the build/integration instructions?
Integration or build instructions for libjpeg-turbo on Android
4k views Asked by occulus At
There are 4 answers

I ported libjpeg-turbo for use in android a number of months back.
You can find the code here:
Android.txt is there etc. Just moved out the external/jpeg directory and replace with this named exactly the same external/jpeg, it'll build and run fine.
Plan to push this into ASOP fairly soon. (I know cyanogenmod is also considering it currently)

Just found the following question and answers which seem pretty detailed on answering this. Actually trying it out right now as my use case is to embed this into an application and not recompile Android to use this instead of the built-in libjpeg
My bad, the file's in a branch in that repository.
Also found this info: