Integration of XC16 into Visual Studio Makefile Project

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Has anyone successfully created a Makefile Project within Visual Studio that utilizes the Makefiles generated by MPLAB X and will build code targeted at a PIC24? Or do I need to create my own Makefile that targets xc16-gcc? It would be beneficial to use the same format as MBLAB X should Microchip’s IDE be required at some point.

I’m looking to create a platform independent application, in C, with the goal of write (and test) it once, use it everywhere; should commonality exists. Through the use of build switches and the appropriate Makefile the non-common aspects can then enabled and targeted at the specific platform. It seems like Visual Studio will allow me to take this approach from what I have read, but I can’t find anything specific to PICs, just AVR/Arduino which I haven’t been able to get to work.




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