Integrating Vaadin GWT Polymer Elements into an existing GWT project without usign Maven, Ant or Gradle

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I have an older GWT project that was based on GWT 2.7.0 and I need to integrate the Vaadin Polymer elements in it. There some problems though:

  • Vaadin only lists guides on how to build a gwt polymer project using dependency managers like Maven, for various reasons I must keep the project clean and not use such a dependency manager, right now it's only managed through Ant.
  • I tried copying libraries from a polymer project (THE ONLY project that works out of the box is the GWT polymer starter kit. The tutorial on the GWT site is broken/outdated!). What I copied was jsinterop-annotations-1.0.0.jar, jsinterop-annotations-1.0.0-sources.jar, colt-1.2.0, ant-1.6.5 and vaadin-gwt-polymer-elements- This caused a lot of headache, because compiling without GWT 2.7.0 gives some weird error in the GWT console:

Exception: Exception caught: Unexpected error during visit. ... Caused by: JSNI rewriter found reference to non-existent field in a field reference or java method tear-off: @java.util.ArrayList::array at com/vaadin/polymer/

  • ... but compiling with GWT 2.8.0-rc1 gives the following error in the build process:

    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

No matter how big I set the -Xmx variable( the heap size), it's still showing up.

  • The recommended GWT version 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar is nowhere to be found, not even on the maven repository...

I've literally tried going 3-4 pages deep on google search trying to solve this problem. Has anyone attempted to use this library without the dependency managers?

P.S. I'm using IntelliJ Idea, if that's useful information...


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