Cmake applaction is running fine after integrating crashpad. But no crash dump gets generated on application crash.
#include "cn/Paths.h"
#include "client/crashpad_client.h"
#include "client/crash_report_database.h"
#include "client/settings.h"
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define NOMINMAX
#include <windows.h>
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#include <vector>
#elif defined(__linux__)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define MIN(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
bool initializeCrashpad( std::string dbName, std::string appName, std::string appVersion );
wxString getExecutableDir( void );
void crash( void );
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
std::string dbName = "wxtestdb";
std::string appName = "wxtestapp";
std::string appVersion = "1.0";
initializeCrashpad( dbName, appName, appVersion );
void crash() {
*( volatile int* ) 0 = 0;
bool initializeCrashpad( std::string dbName, std::string appName, std::string appVersion )
// Get directory where the exe lives so we can pass a full path to handler, reportsDir, metricsDir and attachments
wxString exeDir = getExecutableDir();
if ( exeDir == wxEmptyString )
return false;
cn::Paths crashpadPaths( exeDir );
base::FilePath handler( cn::Paths::getPlatformString( crashpadPaths.getHandlerPath() ) );
base::FilePath reportsDir( cn::Paths::getPlatformString( crashpadPaths.getReportsPath() ) );
base::FilePath metricsDir( cn::Paths::getPlatformString( crashpadPaths.getMetricsPath() ) );
std::string url = "";
// Metadata that will be posted to the server with the crash report map
std::map<std::string, std::string> annotations;
annotations["format"] = "minidump";
annotations["database"] = dbName;
annotations["product"] = appName;
annotations["version"] = appVersion;
annotations["key"] = "Sample key";
annotations["user"] = "";
annotations["list_annotations"] = "Sample comment";
// Disable crashpad rate limiting so that all crashes have dmp files
std::vector<std::string> arguments;
arguments.push_back( "--no-rate-limit" );
// Initialize Crashpad database
std::unique_ptr<crashpad::CrashReportDatabase> database = crashpad::CrashReportDatabase::Initialize( reportsDir );
if ( database == NULL ) return false;
// File paths of attachments to uploaded with minidump file at crash time - default upload limit is 2MB
std::vector<base::FilePath> attachments;
base::FilePath attachment( cn::Paths::getPlatformString( crashpadPaths.getAttachmentPath() ) );
attachments.push_back( attachment );
// Enable automated crash uploads
crashpad::Settings* settings = database->GetSettings();
if ( settings == NULL ) return false;
settings->SetUploadsEnabled( false );
// Start crash handler
crashpad::CrashpadClient* client = new crashpad::CrashpadClient();
auto a = client->GetHandlerIPCPipe();
bool status = client->StartHandler( handler, reportsDir, metricsDir, url, annotations, arguments, true, true );
//bool a = client->WaitForHandlerStart( 50000 );
return status;
wxString getExecutableDir( void )
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW( NULL );
DWORD retVal = GetModuleFileNameW( hModule, path, MAX_PATH );
if ( retVal == 0 ) return wxEmptyString;
wchar_t* lastBackslash = wcsrchr( path, '\\' );
if ( lastBackslash == NULL ) return wxEmptyString;
*lastBackslash = 0;
return path;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
unsigned int bufferSize = 512;
vector<char> buffer( bufferSize + 1 );
if ( _NSGetExecutablePath( &buffer[0], &bufferSize ) ) {
buffer.resize( bufferSize );
_NSGetExecutablePath( &buffer[0], &bufferSize );
char* lastForwardSlash = strrchr( &buffer[0], '/' );
if ( lastForwardSlash == NULL ) return wxEmptyString;
*lastForwardSlash = 0;
return &buffer[0];
#elif defined(__linux__)
char pBuf[FILENAME_MAX];
int len = sizeof( pBuf );
int bytes = MIN( readlink( "/proc/self/exe", pBuf, len ), len - 1 );
if ( bytes >= 0 ) {
pBuf[bytes] = '\0';
char* lastForwardSlash = strrchr( &pBuf[0], '/' );
if ( lastForwardSlash == NULL ) return wxEmptyString;
*lastForwardSlash = '\0';
return pBuf;
Running application thorugh cmd found that ipc_pipe was somehow empty. and getting this error msg
FATAL] Check failed: !ipc_pipe_.empty().
Please help me to find out if I am missing anything to set.
System config: Windows 10 Visual Studio 17 2022 x64 Windows SDK 10.1.22621.1778