I am trying to get cloudflare stream to work in angular. I have tried the solution given here: Angular attribute for HTML stream.
However, it is always a hit or a miss:
- Out of 10 reloads, one loads the player.
- But anytime I make a
change to the
tag, and angular re-compiles, the player is loaded. After this if I refresh the browser, it is a blank screen again.
The component which shows the video is deep in the tree and the component belongs to a module that is lazy loaded:
In the index.html file:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<script src="https://embed.cloudflarestream.com/embed/r4xu.fla9.latest.js" id="video_embed" defer="" async=""></script>
In the videoFile.component.ts:
<stream src="5d5bc37ffcf54c9b82e996823bffbb81" height="480px" width="240px" controls></stream>
Found a solution here: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/13965
So everytime the component loads, the script is removed and reattached using ngOninit, like so:
If anyone has any other solutions, please do let me know.