Integrate Solr-5.2.1 with crawled data from Nutch?

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Tutorial says:

Nutch already created crawl data from the seed URL(s). Below are the steps to delegate searching to Solr for links to be searchable:

Backup the original Solr example schema.xml:

mv ${APACHE_SOLR_HOME}/example/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml ${APACHE_SOLR_HOME}/example/solr/collection1/conf/

But the problem is there is no such directory like /example/solr/collection1/conf.

In which directory I will find this schema.xml file? Or which schema.xml file to replace?


There are 1 answers

Ali On

AFAIK Solr 5.x uses managed-schema in default which will be created on the fly based on the input documents. However you can copy your schema.xml file content to the ${APACHE_SOLR_HOME}/solr/server/solr/$CORE_NAME/conf/managed-schema. But before copy your schema make sure that it is in 5.x schema format. (Some of the old schema components might have changed)